A Dental Revolution: A Day in the Chair of a Biological Dentist
Eye-opening, enlightening and surprisingly fun. Words I never imagined I would use to describe a dentist appointment! But that was genuinely my experience when I went to see Dr Sebastien Lomas, or Dr Seb as he's known on his popular Instagram account, a Biological Dentist who takes a refreshingly different and cutting edge approach to dental care.
Written By Marianne Sheena - Nutritional Therapist specialising in gut, hormonal and adrenal health. Her approach focuses on combining dietary changes with lifestyle and biohacking techniques to rebalance and restore optimal health.
As a nutritional therapist, I am acutely aware of the fundamental role oral wellness plays in overall health. Recent research has established increasingly strong associations between poor oral health and cardiovascular disease, with studies demonstrating that people with gum disease are significantly more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. This link is thought to be driven by pathogenic bacteria in the mouth entering the bloodstream through diseased gums and forming arterial plaques, which in turn cause atherosclerosis, leading to greater risk of cardiovascular events. Moreover, research has indicated a bidirectional relationship between oral health and diabetes. Inflammation caused by periodontal disease can impair the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels, while poorly controlled diabetes can heighten the risk of periodontal disease. Surprisingly, flossing has also been shown to have remarkable longevity benefits. A comprehensive 17-year study demonstrated a staggering 30 percent increase in all-cause mortality among individuals over 50 who never flossed their teeth, compared to those who flossed daily.
Oral health is THAT important.
Given this, I'm incredibly ashamed to admit I hadn't seen a dentist in over 10 years. Aside from the typical lack of enthusiasm for having unpleasant dental implements poking around in my mouth, the main reason is that modern dentistry deviates significantly from the principles of naturopathy that underpin my nutrition practice. Even the holistic dentists I've researched use products such as fluoride and procedures such as root canals which, although accepted as safe and effective treatments in mainstream dentistry, have been shown to have negative health consequences and which I prefer to avoid if at all possible. I'd come across some ground-breaking holistic dentists based in other countries but I couldn't find a truly biological dentist in the UK… until I came across Dr Seb through his social media videos. I was immediately inspired by the quality of the information he provides and his alignment to the holistic approach that I follow when seeing nutrition clients. I also loved his dedication to educating people on alternative and progressive approaches to looking after dental health. So, after a few months’ wait to get an appointment (he is, unsurprisingly, very much in demand) I didn't hesitate to take an afternoon off work and embark on the three-hour train journey from London to his Wonder of Wellness clinic in Huddersfield which he set up with his wife Ally.
Dr Seb explains that, while traditional dentistry is focused on fixing the function of your teeth and allowing you to chew your food, biological dentistry takes a more expansive approach and looks at how dental health impacts overall wellness, through viewing the individual as a whole organism. This approach starts with less invasive interventions to establish whether these can generate uplifts in systemic health, before considering more complex protocols. The Wonder of Wellness website further notes that "we seek to educate our patients and always use safe, biocompatible dental materials according to bespoke biocompatible blood and genetic testing. Our bodies have a natural capacity for self-correction when given the right conditions to heal". The message that particularly resonated with me was their statement that rather than the traditional “one size fits all” dental model they recognise that every patient is different and should be treated according to their specific needs. This is the heart of what healthcare should look like to achieve the optimal outcome for each individual patient.
The moment I arrived at the clinic it was evident that everything embodies this holistic approach. From the natural toiletries in the bathroom, to the AquaTru reverse osmosis filtered water and the nutrition books in the waiting room, there is a clear focus on all aspects of health.
The appointment itself was unlike any dentist appointment I've had before. I do my best to take care of my teeth, supplementing the usual brushing routine with flossing, as well as Ayurvedic practices such as tongue-scraping and oil pulling. Nevertheless, despite that, I generally experience considerable pain and sensitivity. This, coupled with the length of time since my last check up, caused some serious nerves before my appointment!
But from the moment the appointment kicked off, Dr Seb made me feel immediately at ease. He started with a chat about my specific concerns and what I was looking to get out of the session. I explained my worries about possible cavities, given the sensitivity I was experiencing, and also some concerns about potential jaw clenching. I was interested to understand whether this could be related to the headaches and neck pain I tend to experience despite my clean diet and use of biohacking techniques.
Before even looking at my teeth, Dr Seb spent the first 15 minutes meticulously examining my jaw, my airway functionality, my breathing, my nostrils, my tongue and my lymph nodes. My approach to nutrition hinges on the foundational principle of identifying the root cause of health issues and the recognition of the intricate interplay between bodily systems. So this thorough assessment was a welcome deviation from a standard dentist consultation. Only after all of this did we come to the inspection of my gums and teeth. The clinic’s meticulous attention to detail was reinforced by the rosemary essential oil I was given to apply topically after my dental X-ray. Dr Seb explained that this provides a protective effect against any cellular damage from the scan.
Dr Seb is particularly passionate about supporting his patients to breathe restoratively and much of his practice is focused on identifying and addressing sleep disordered breathing. He explained that if our breathing is impaired while we're sleeping, our cells are not getting enough oxygen and our bodies spend the night in sympathetic "fight or flight" mode. This is a problem because it means we're in a stress state throughout the time we're asleep which is when our bodies should be repairing themselves and undergoing cellular restoration. When this happens night after night, it can have a monumental impact on our health. We are fatigued, our brain function is impaired and our risk of many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's increases.
This can be caused by many different factors. According to Dr Seb, some of the key drivers include tongue position, tongue tie, airway integrity, mouth versus nasal breathing and nasal cartilage strength.
Tongue Position - Dr Seb explains that the ideal tongue position is for it to rest along the roof of your mouth. Not only does this create a clearer airway space for air to pass from the nasal passage through to the pharynx, but in this position the tongue also connects to many nerve endings that support the body in moving out of a stress state and into a more restorative "rest and digest" state.
Tongue Tie - A common topic in the context of babies and breast-feeding but not something we tend to consider when it comes to adult health, tongue tie refers to a condition where excess tissue tethers the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This can impair the tongue's ability to reach the roof of the mouth and as a result negatively impacts tongue positioning and increases the likelihood that the tongue falls into the airway during sleep and causes airway obstruction and teeth clenching.
Airway Integrity - When the muscle tone in the tongue and airway is poor, they are more collapsable at night which commonly leads to snoring and mouth breathing, and as a result creates more stress and inflammation in the body.
Mouth Breathing - Nasal breathing is now a growing area of focus for holistic health practitioners due to the fundamental role it plays in supporting our systemic health. Dr Seb explains that some of the key benefits include:
Air humidification in the nasal passage - this reduces irritation, with the moisture acting as a protective barrier
Ensuring better exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and also therefore in the tissues, reducing the incidence of asthma, coughs and colds
Increase in nitric oxide production, which causes dilation of the blood vessels in the lungs, enhancing the oxygen-absorbing capacity of the lungs
Air filtration, reducing irritants entering the lungs
Reduced tonsil inflammation
If we are mouth breathing, we are losing out on all of these benefits and leaving ourselves in more of a stressed state.
Nasal Strength - Many of us have nasal cartilage which collapses when we breath in. This further impairs our ability to breathe effectively through our noses.
Dr Seb is a strong advocate of tools like mouth tape and nasal dilators at night to adjust to nasal breathing, and he also incorporates myofunctional therapy as a foundational approach in his practice. In essence, this involves retraining your muscles to optimise their positioning and address some of the above physiological dysfunctions, through facial and tongue exercises and behaviour modification techniques. Dr Seb has developed an Adult Airway Stabilisation course which his patients can follow, with regular check-ins with Annie, the Myofunctional Therapist on his team.
As part of this, various devices are used, as needed, to support these myofunctional changes. These include a nighttime appliance to open the jaw and improve tongue position, and a tongue, lip and jaw exercise appliance to improve tone and tongue position.
Dr Seb confirmed that my gums were in pretty good shape, I had no plaque deposits and no cavities. Phew! He did however explain that the sensitivity I was experiencing stems from jaw tension (note to self: need to do a better job of managing work stress!), disordered breathing, upper airway resistance, slight nasal collapse on nasal breathing and minor tongue tie impacting tongue position. These are likely the cause of my neck and shoulder tension and very likely linked to the headaches I experience. So lots of myofunctional work for me to do to improve these things!
Leaving my appointment with Dr Seb, my mind was buzzing with all the wealth of knowledge I'd acquired in a single appointment. Armed with this newfound awareness of the drivers of my symptoms, I came away feeling empowered and excited to get to work on addressing these issues. Anyone feeling equally inspired and wanting to take a first step in improving their dental wellness, can make a start with Dr Seb's brilliant Dental Kit . Information on making an appointment at Wonder of Wellness can be found on the Wonder of Wellness website .
This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of healf
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