Enemas vs Colonics all you need to know

Written by: Olivia A Ferragamo


Healf Journal

Cleansing the colon is a practice that dates back centuries, with both enemas and colonics being popular methods. While they share the common goal of removing waste from the colon, they differ in scope, administration, and specific benefits.

Olivia Aurora is a Integrative Health Practitioner who has researched the practice for a long time whilst also practicing it herself and with her clients. This is everything we need to know.


Enemas involve introducing liquid into the rectum through the anus to stimulate bowel movements and cleanse the lower part of the colon (rectum and sigmoid) of waste aiding the body to detox from unwanted waste and toxins. An enema usually involves between 1-2 litres of water that then gets retained for between 5-15 minutes to achieve the full benefits.

The Procedure:

  1. The first step is having a good enema kit. My personal favourite is Happy Bum that has an amazing beginners bundle that equips you with everything you will need to start your coffee enema journey from the comfort and privacy of your own home. The bundle includes a 2 litre enema bag, the Happy Bum organic coffee beans, plunger, and the enema guide e-book.

  2. Administration: Insert the enema nozzle into the rectum and slowly introduce the solution which is usually between 1-2 litres usually making sure the solution is at body temperature.

  3. Positioning - I think a good balance is to work up to holding the solution for 15 minutes. I personally start with 3 minutes lying on my left hand side then 3 minutes on my back, 8 minutes on my right hand side and then finishing off for the remaining 1 minute on my left side and I then sit on the loo and release for 15 minutes to make sure all is flushed out.

The Benefits:

  • Immediate relief from constipation

  • Cleansing the bowel removing harmful parasites and candida

  • Reduce bloat

  • Increase energy levels by lowering the body’s toxic load.


  • Infection due to improperly cleaned kits.

  • Electrolyte imbalance by frequent use without replenishing with adequate amounts of minerals lost.

  • Tissue damage-incorrect use can cause damage to rectal tissues.

Types of Enemas:

Various types of enemas cater to different health needs, utilising unique ingredients to achieve specific benefits: Coffee enemas, essential oil enemas and Celtic sea salt enemas. Each type offers their own specific advantages, making them a great addition to holistic health practices.

What is a coffee enema?

Differing from person to person but usually 1-4 Tbsp of brewed organic high quality mould/pesticide free coffee with distilled water and let cool down to body temperature.


  1. Detoxification: Coffee enemas are renowned for their detoxifying properties. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the liver to produce more bile and increases glutathione levels by up to 700% which is a detoxifying antioxidant that also alleviates inflammation.

  2. Improved Digestion: By increasing bile flow, coffee enemas can enhance digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients.

  3. Boosted Energy Levels: Coffee enemas have been reported to increased energy and mental clarity, likely due to the stimulation of the adrenal glands and the detoxification process.

What is a Essential Oil Enema?

Using a few drops of your preferred essential oil is diluted in a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil and then mixed into distilled water at body temperature.


  1. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus are known for their calming effects soothing the nervous system and reducing stress.

  2. Antimicrobial Properties: Oils such as clove have natural antibacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties that can help combat infections and candida and support gut health.

  3. Improved Digestion: The essential oil of tangerine can enhance digestion whilst promoting an overall sense of calm and well-being.

What is a Celtic Sea Salt Enema?

Using mineral osmosis by dissolving 1-2 Teaspoons of Celtic sea salt into distilled body temperature water.


  1. Electrolyte Balance: Celtic sea salt contains 82 minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which can help maintain proper electrolyte balance in the body.

  2. Hydration: This type of enema can help rehydrate the colon and support the body's overall hydration levels as it contains all the minerals the body needs to properly hydrate.

  3. Improved Bowel Movements: The minerals in Celtic sea salt once absorbed into the body stimulate peristalsis, the contractions that move waste through the intestines, aiding in regular bowel movements.

What is a colonic?

Are a more extensive clean out of the entire colon (unlike the enemas that reach mainly the lower part of the colon) using large amounts of water-(up to 60 litres or more) removing all waste and toxins that may have built up over time.

Unlike an Enema that can be performed in the privacy of your home, Colonics are always performed by a trained therapist using specialised equipment.

This is done with a tube that is inserted into the rectum to introduce cleansing warm water into the rectum through one tube whilst waste is expelled through a separate tube.

The process usually takes around 1 hour where continuous cycles of water infusion and expulsion take place.


  • Improve digestion and detoxification
  • Better nutrient absorption because a clean colon can absorb nutrients far better.
  • Relief from bloating and help ease conditions like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Increased energy-Most people report feeling more energetic and lighter after a colonic due to the removal of waste and toxins and the elimination of harmful substances from the body.

Are there any risks to a colonic?

  • Electrolyte imbalance from the large amounts of water flushing out essential minerals from the body.

  • Infections can arise from introducing bacteria if equipment is not sterile.

  • Perforation-Incorrect insertion or excessive pressure can cause bowel perforation.

Both enemas and Colonics are great procedures but always consult a healthcare provider before starting regular use of enemas or colonics, especially if there are pre existing medical conditions.

It is recommended after both both colonics or enemas to take a natural binder like charcoal or chlorophyl to bind to toxins and waste that are being removed to make sure they don’t get reabsorbed by the body. 


This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of Healf