How to use your acupressure mat & the benefits

Written by: David Pask-Hughes


Healf Journal

An Acupressure Mat works in a similar way to the ancient art of acupuncture. As the name suggests, acupressure works by applying pressure to various points of the body whereas acupuncture uses needles. Acupressure restores balance to the body’s energy flow by manipulating the body’s meridians - stimulating energy, vitality and a sense of well being in the body.

What are the benefits of Acupressure Mats?

So why would one voluntarily lay down on an acupressure mat? Most people are scared that it’s extremely painful because of the plastic spikes, but this is absolutely not true. Whilst it might feel strange at first, it shouldn’t be painful. Acupressure helps to restore the balance to the body’s energy flow by targeting certain pressure points. The benefits of acupressure mats are endless as they can be used for many various purposes, including:

  • Headaches
  • Pain relief
  • Releasing endorphins
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Sports injuries
  • Improving sleep
  • Improving digestion
  • Mental health
  • Treating anxiety

How to use an Acupressure Mat

For Daily Benefit

Start by lying on your mat between 20-40 mins several times a week for maximum benefit. Skin Contact is the best but you may wish to experiment with a light T-shirt or towel until you find the right level of sensation for you.

Take your time to find the “just right” position for you, the mat should feel comfortable.

Do not be apprehensive as the round plastic spikes are painless and will create a gentle stimulation. The spikes have a rounded tip, so can't hurt you, however people with sensitive skin, haemophilia or psoriasis should use the mat with caution. The Acupressure Mat will allow your body to start breaking down toxins so please do remember to drink water after use. Using your Yogi Bare Acupressure Mat couldn't be easier

For Energy

We love the sensation of the mat on our feet to stimulate the reflexology points and nerve endings resulting in an energy boost. Perfect for tired sore legs or lethargy.

For Sleep + Back Pain

Lie on the mat and position the pillow in the neck crevice behind the head. Allow your shoulder blades in drop down your back towards your tailbone and melt into the mat. Enjoy the feelings of the muscles in the back being stimulated and releasing.


Q) When is the best time of the day to use the acupressure mat?

If you’re new to acupressure, you might be wondering what the best time is to use it. Let us firstly say that this is completely up to you. If you notice that you feel a lot better after using your acupressure mat in the morning, don’t let us stop you. Generally speaking, most people use their acupressure mat in the evening. As the acupressure mat helps to relieve stress and relax the muscles, it can best be used in the evening as you will feel more relaxed when going to bed. On the other hand, if you want to feel relaxed at the start of your day, you can lay down on your mat for ten to twenty minutes in the morning.

Q) Are Acupressure Mats eco-friendly?
Good quality Acupressure mats should be eco-friendly. The Yogi Bare ones are completely sustainably sourced. The rubber that goes into your Yogi Bare essentials are all obtained from a sustainable forest meaning it's completely biodegradable. Unlike most mats which are made with PVC, these won’t harm the environment and will break down in the future. Additionally, the packages that your products come in are 100% recyclable.

Q) What affects does this have on blood pressure?
An acupressure mat is ideal for anyone who suffers from high blood pressure, as it focuses on the back, allowing the muscles to feel stimulated and release any tension they are holding.

Studies have shown that acupressure works by stimulating the body’s natural endorphin, which acts as painkillers for the body. This causes a general sense of relief when it comes to pain and lifts your mood. Acupressure could help prevent a number of different health issues and can even act as at home remedy in some cases.


This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of healf