Maurten gel does have electrolytes, as it is designed as a hydration supplement. Maurten gel contains 85mg of sodium per gel.
Maurten gel contains 25 grams of carbohydrates per serving, providing a quick and sustained energy boost for athletes during training or racing.
Unlike other energy drink options, Maurten products are designed to have very little taste. Some gels have a very unpalatable, sweet taste, but Maurten products have a more subtle sweetness due to the fructose and glucose in the products, akin to honey or sugar water. All Maurten products are gluten free, and only contain natural, food-graded ingredients, such as maltodextrin, calcium carbonate and sodium alginate.
How often you should use Maurten energy gel depends on your race or training plan. Some may take up to 4 gels per hour, while others may have 1 gel before a race and 2 gels for each hour of the race, like in a marathon. Generally, Maurten gels are absorbed within 20 minutes, with peak blood glucose reached after 30 to 45 minutes. For marathon runners needing 50g of carbohydrates per hour, it's recommended to have two Maurten gels per hour, adjusting as needed based on training and body's capacity.