Transform your reproductive journey with precision and confidence.
Experience a revolutionary approach to fertility monitoring with Mira fertility solutions. Mira's cutting-edge technology ensures unparalleled accuracy in hormone analysis, setting a new standard in the market. Mira fertility monitors employ advanced laboratory-level features, accurately tracking essential fertility hormones and pinpointing the fertile window. Designed for effortless at-home hormone tracking, Mira's devices simplify the process, removing the necessity for specialised scientific knowledge.
Made for a diverse audience, Mira caters to individuals aged over 35, those traversing perimenopause or menopause, individuals with PCOS or hormonal imbalances, individuals grappling with fertility health conditions such as endometriosis or unexplained infertility, as well as offering assistance to LGBTQ+ individuals seeking fertility support. As a UK stockist of MiraCare products, browse the selection at healf.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, Mira fertility trackers have proven to be highly effective in aiding conception. Unlike many over-the-counter ovulation predictor kits with varying accuracies, Mira stands out as the first personalised, at-home hormone tracking system to boast a remarkable 99% accuracy rate. Supported by a 2021 study, Mira has shown comparable precision in predicting ovulation to other trusted monitors, affirming its reliability in helping individuals achieve their reproductive goals.
Absolutely, Mira goes beyond merely predicting the fertile window and detecting ovulation; it also confirms the occurrence of ovulation. Following ovulation, progesterone levels typically rise for approximately five days before declining if conception hasn't occurred. Mira's capability extends to performing progesterone tests, which not only confirm ovulation but also contribute to assessing the viability and health of a potential pregnancy.
With Mira, the testing frequency varies based on your cycle length. For those with regular cycles, starting testing with Mira Ovum Wands on cycle day 3 is advised, repeating the test every 3 to 5 days throughout at least two cycles. In the case of irregular cycles, testing can be performed at any point during the cycle for 5 to 7 consecutive days, consistently at the same time, and continued for at least two months to gather reliable data and insights.