Date 27.11.2021

A 'Mum, Wife + Yoga Teachers' Simple Health Tips

A 'Mum, Wife + Yoga Teachers' Simple Health Tips

What health means to me

Hi. I am Maria, an early childhood educator and a yoga teacher. I’m also a mother and a wife and with all the labels that I hold it’s sometimes easy to lose myself. I’m very passionate about helping others see the benefits that we can get from yoga classes and meditation because I’ve experienced hands on how much it can change our life. 

Health for me doesn’t necessarily mean being skinny or being able to lift 245 lbs for 8 reps. Health for me means having your mind, body and soul all synced together. Because being healthy means so much more than what we can see physically, being healthy go as deep as our thoughts and our feelings. Being healthy is being in touch with our whole essence.

My 5 Tips To Live A Healthy Life

 1) Make sure to make time for you.

As a mum and wife, I always make sure that my family’s needs come first but what we forget at times is that we need to put ourselves first too. Topping up our cups is essential so that we are able to be the best version of ourselves for our loved ones.

2) Be mindful of what you eat.

I always say that balance is key. I don’t believe on depriving myself of chocolates if this is what my body needs. But like with anything else, try to keep a good balance when it comes to your eating habits. By all means have all the chocolates you need, then have your salad bowl the next day. It’s all about balance.

3) Move.

If you have the option between taking the elevators or the stairs, go for the stairs. Your heart and your legs will thank you later- no pain no gain 

4) Journal your thoughts.

If something feels heavy and you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, release it by writing it down. Let go of the unnecessary weight that you don’t need.

5) Don’t be afraid to say no to things that don’t serve you.

Written by @thesouthern.yogi

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