Should We ‘Sleep On It?’
"Let’s sleep on it"; a saying used liberally when tough choices arise, but beyond the apparent innocence of this phrase, there are some hard and scientific truths. It seems obvious, but sleep really does make a profound difference to our decision-making, memory and mood.
Considering adults make approximately 35,000 conscious decisions daily, with many mundane choices like what to eat, wear, and say on a minute-by-minute basis —understanding the function of sleep is surely a step in the right direction for our MIND pillar, and all that it stands for.
In this article, let's explore the mystery of sleep and how recent research is only now uncovering the secrets behind stored memories and sound judgement.
Quality sleep serves us much like a reset button on a piece of tech. And while this comparison may take the magic out of the “mystery of sleeping”, it is perhaps most accurate to the picture that modern research is currently painting.
Studies indicate the drastic aftermath of sleep deprivation in impairing decision-making processes, leading to increased risk-taking and reduced ability to learn from feedback. In fast-moving or unpredictable situations, sleep deprivation has a way of muting our instincts. This effect, known as "feedback blunting" softens the impact of any errors that might occur as a result of poor sleep, and, in so doing, makes it much harder to react and adjust decisions effectively.
With a myriad of experiences, from mundane tasks to emotionally charged events, sleep acts a bit like an editing suite for the brain. Again, this is a less mystical approach to sleep than discussing the “wonders and enigmas” of our dreams, yet it is one fully integrated into the existing knowledge base on sleep and why it is we need it.
Creativity is also born in this period of sleep, known as N1 or hypnagogia, or in layman’s terms, the initial stage of sleep. Whilst falling asleep, there is a huge amount of potential for problem solving behaviour from the brain. So much so that famous historical figures like Thomas Edison reportedly harnessed this state to solve complex issues. It may also make sense of another common phrase “it came to me in a dream”.
A study found that when the participants were prompted to dream about a specific topic during sleep onset, a technique named "targeted dream incubation", findings reflected significantly higher creativity in subsequent tasks related to that specific topic. As lead author of the study, Kathleen Esfahany, puts it, "When you are prompted to dream about a topic during sleep onset, you can have dream experiences that you can later use for these creative tasks".
The removal of metabolic waste products accumulated during the day is a process facilitated by the glymphatic system , one that becomes particularly active during sleep. Most importantly, by clearing out toxins, including beta-amyloid proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease, sleep can be thought of as a protective function against cognitive decline.
Research tells us that lack of sleep heightens negative emotions and dulls the positive ones. It can therefore contribute to the effect of leaving us more irritable and less resilient, one which you may be all too familiar with if you have experienced the grouchiness following an early morning flight.
Yet, this particular negative impact of poor sleep goes one step deeper into the long-term in that our ability to regulate emotions effectively could be damaged in future and our resilience to emotional stress may be lower. To this point, sleep deprivation can increase your risk of developing mental health disorders , such as depression and anxiety. A meta-analysis of 21 longitudinal studies found that individuals with insomnia at the start of the study were twice as likely to develop depression later compared to those without insomnia.
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time daily helps regulate your body's internal clock, promoting more restful sleep.
Create the most restful environment: Ensure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Consider investing in comfortable bedding and means to minimise noise, such as a white noise machine.
Limit screen exposure close to bedtime: An obvious suggestion perhaps, but one grounded in evidence. The blue light emitted by phones and computers can interfere with melatonin production, disrupting sleep patterns. Consider setting a curfew for blue light-emitting devices around an hour to two hours prior to bed.
Relaxation techniques: Think meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga both for calming the mind and preparing the body for sleep. Guided sessions are also a good element of a relaxing sleep routine and can be put on a sleep timer, too.
Be mindful of food and drink timings: It is best not to consume large meals, caffeine, and alcohol too close to bedtime. Instead, seek out light snacks if they are necessary for regulating the blood sugar and make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Stay active: Regular physical activity promotes better sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper rest. It is said that even a 10-minute walk can release endorphins and uplift your mood.
Manage stress: Techniques like journalling or talking to a friend can alleviate anxiety, preventing it from affecting your sleep. Writing a to-do list before bed can also help clear your mind. Professor Michael Scullin , director of the Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory at Baylor University found that participants of his study who wrote detailed to-do lists containing more than 10 tasks managed to fall asleep approximately 15 minutes faster than those who skipped the list-making altogether.
Natural sleep aids: Products like the OTO Sleep Soundly Pillow Mist can enhance relaxation and improve sleep quality.
Sleep isn’t just about rest, we need it for clearer thoughts, emotional balance and a sharper memory. It also helps us to process everything on a fundamental level, from our emotions, to how we view the world around us, feel, think, and live our lives. And that is no small feat.
Explore SLEEP
This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of Healf
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