The Anti-Spike Truth from a Blood Sugar Specialist
Towards the end of January Instagram's blood sugar expert left us eagerly anticipating her next announcement following the success of her previous two blood sugar books. However, what unfolded next took us by surprise. On January 31st, Jessie Inchauspé, known as the Glucose Goddess, unveiled Anti-Spike, a supplement claiming to ‘reduce glucose spikes from carbs and sugar by up to 40%’.
It’s important to note the term ‘claims', as the supplement itself has not gone through any clinical trials. However, the individual ingredients have and I’ll discuss that in this article.
Written by Natalie Louise Burrows - Registered Nutritional Therapist and Clinic Director of Integral Wellness, specialising in cardiometabolic health
As a biochemist, Jessie’s work as the Glucose Goddess has been dedicated to science and she’s brought a wealth of knowledge to the public about the impact foods have on blood glucose, backed by research data. Her efforts have sparked a sea of change for many, a movement I've supported as a blood sugar nutritionist.
However, this supplement launch has stirred unexpected controversy amongst Jessie’s audience of devoted followers. The messaging, marketing and imagery moved away from the veg-based health hacks her audience had been embracing and leaped into an arena of sugary, ultra-processed foods that followers had worked hard to avoid.
In this article, I'll dissect key aspects of this supplement and explore why it may have garnered more negative attention than anticipated.
The name
Let's begin with the name, as it shapes the initial impression. The notion of yet another ‘Anti’ pill to suppress the body’s natural expressions is something I struggle to endorse.
This doesn’t distract from the life-saving benefits of medication like antibiotics but I want to highlight here the administration of certain drugs without exploration of why the situation occurs in the first place. For symptoms should be viewed as valuable information. Just like blood sugar readings and blood test results; they convey messages.
Sometimes this information reaffirms what we already know, such as a headache when we have too much screen time or not sleeping when we drink coffee too late in the day. Other times, symptoms can leave us with unanswered questions and we have to explore and investigate to uncover the underlying cause, such as feelings of low mood or elevated cholesterol levels indicated in blood tests.
Importantly, the information doesn’t mean you’re broken. You’re not and you don’t need to oppose it with an ‘Anti’ pill. Instead, you need to attentively listen to your body and implement appropriate changes. A concept the Glucose Goddess has aptly conveyed when it came to mitigating blood glucose spikes.
The ingredients
The supplement’s website boldly states ‘My groundbreaking natural supplement to optimise your blood sugar levels. Clinically proven to reduce the glucose spike of carbs and sugar by up to 40%.’
But does it live up to this claim?
Jessie has been known for her staunch reliance on scientific evidence but the structure of this sentence is misleading. While the supplement contains ingredients that have credible studies demonstrating their individual effects on glucose modulation, the complex branded Anti-Spike has not undergone clinical research.
The challenge here is that you cannot extrapolate single-ingredient effects from studies and combine them to make a greater effect. They may interact with each other which can reduce or increase effectiveness and this is why clinical trials exist; to assess the efficacy of new formulations.
In addition, I question the claim this complex of ingredients are ‘groundbreaking’ when it’s components - cinnamon, lemon, mulberry leaf, and antioxidants from vegetables - are foods from nature. If such a term is to be used, I believe that credit should be attributed to nature rather than to an individual.
Despite these reservations, I do believe the supplement could prove efficacious and the combination of ingredients has the potential to lower blood sugar responses after meals. However to what extent I’m not sure and I’ll let a clinical trial tell us.
The message
Food and lifestyle choices have an impact on blood sugar levels, the science is clear on that. With the ongoing rise in type 2 diabetes diagnoses and a concerning number of individuals suspected to be undiagnosed, there is a pressing need for education on how to alter this trajectory.
However, with the launch of this supplement, there is a risk of diluting this message and we’ve entered a concerning situation where rather than embracing lifelong changes and striving for better health, there's a temptation to seek an easy solution. As humans, we are hard-wired to take the path of least resistance. Opting for pills to manage symptoms or situations offers a convenient shortcut, particularly when the alternative involves discomfort and effort.
My primary concern about the messaging is the notion that you can’t go out for an evening meal or celebration and have a lovely time without taking a sneaky shot of AVC in the toilet or popping pills for fear your blood sugars may increase. If your blood sugars are balanced the majority of the time then occasional increases in blood sugars are not a cause for concern, as you’ll have appropriate insulin sensitivity and production to regulate them.
However, if you experience frequent spikes and drops in blood sugar levels, leading to issues such as low energy, persistent fatigue, overpowering cravings, stubborn weight gain, low mood, or a pending or confirmed diagnosis of pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, it's crucial to address these challenges through sustainable changes in diet and lifestyle. Let’s support you through changes in your food and lifestyle choices so you feel better and live better for the long term. But let’s not start popping pills as if we’re broken and have no control over our health.
This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of Healf.
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