Key Benefits
In the book The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk draws on decades of clinical research and practice to explore how trauma reshapes both the mind and body. Through personal stories and scientific findings, the book reveals how trauma survivors can overcome its grip by activating the brain’s neuroplasticity. From therapies that rewire disturbed brain functions to those that help individuals reconnect with their emotions and body, van der Kolk outlines a path to recovery that counters the helplessness and anxiety associated with trauma. Whether through neurofeedback, yoga, or trauma processing techniques, readers will find tools to regain ownership of their bodies and lives.
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Key Benefits
In the book The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk draws on decades of clinical research and practice to explore how trauma reshapes both the mind and body. Through personal stories and scientific findings, the book reveals how trauma survivors can overcome its grip by activating the brain’s neuroplasticity. From therapies that rewire disturbed brain functions to those that help individuals reconnect with their emotions and body, van der Kolk outlines a path to recovery that counters the helplessness and anxiety associated with trauma. Whether through neurofeedback, yoga, or trauma processing techniques, readers will find tools to regain ownership of their bodies and lives.
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